Dr Lea Dolman and staff at NBDC would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas. Please note that for the week prior to Christmas Day, we will be open mornings only. We will be closed from Thursday 22nd December until Monday 2nd January, reopening on Tuesday 3rd January resuming normal hours weekdays 8:30-5pm.

Thankyou for your support during 2022, and we look forward to helping you smile in 2023.

Goodbyes and New Vacancies

We have been sad to say goodbye to loved and valued staff in 2022- Dr Nikki Hutchison, All rounder Nancy, dental assistants Tiah and Denise and recently qualified Dental Assistant Sydney. We wish you all the best with your new endeavours, you will be so very missed!

Goodbyes provide an opening for new staff in 2023, if you are interested in joining our fun and friendly team, please reach out to Dr Lea directly and confidentially at